Much of JESUS' address to His disciples is devoted to advice on how to deal with problems they will encounter. the message they proclaim, although iot is about love and right living, will encounter opposition in certain places. infact, said JESUS, they should be prepared for persecution. READ Matthew 10:22 and Hebrews 10:35,36. WHAT IS THE CRUCIAL MESSAGE TO US IN THESE TEXTS?
JESUS' reference to perseverance is in the context of persecution. the apostle Paul says, " WE KNOW THAT SUFFERING PRODUCES PERSEVERANCE; perseverance, character; and character, hope"(Rom. 5:3,4,NIV). Likewise, James writes,"the testing of your faith develops perseverance"(James 1:3, NIV). IN WHAT WAYS CAN DIFFICULT TIMES TEST YOUR FAITH? HOW CAN YOU STRENGTHEN YOUR SPIRITUAL LIFE SO THAT YOU WILL PERSEVERE IN YOUR FAITH THROUGH THESE TIMES? JESUS tells His disciples that they should not fear the difficult circumstances they will encounter. they will be brought before governors and kings to be His witness. "'But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it,'" He says (Matt. 10:19, NIV). He promises that GOD will speak through them and give them the words to speak. The book of acts proides plenty of examples of what JESUS warned about. Peter and Paul and many others were taken constantly before the authorities to give an account of their actions. Each time they spoke boldly of their faith. JESUS reassures the disciples that God cares even for sparrows and that he has numbered "' the very hairs of your head.... SO DONT BE AFRAID; you are worth more than many sparrows'" (Matt.10:30,31,NIV)
READ MATTHEW 10:38,39. What is JESUS promising us? what is he not promising us? What comfort can you draw for yourself from these words?



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